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English Essay - the Writing Process

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Blair Kondikoff


Reading Questions on The Writing Process chapters 1-5                      

I. Chapter 1


1. What are the four stages in the writing process?

The four stages in the writing process are invention, arrangement, drafting and revising, and editing and proofreading.

2. What is critical reading?

Critical reading is reading to evaluate the ideas of others, to form judgments, and to develop original viewpoints.

3. What is meant by ‘your purpose’?

Your purpose is why you are reading.

Chapter 2

4. Name five factors you must consider when writing your assignment.

Five factors you must consider when writing your assignment are its length, purpose, audience, and occasion.

5. Generate three specific topics from the general topics below which might be suitable for writing a 21/2 page essay by using as many questions for probing as you can.


-easier to get away with

–students taking their own lives over cyber bullying

–social media networks

Identity Theft        

-keeping your identity private

-how to proscute against idenity theives



-going green

-saves trees

-prevents resource destruction        

ISIS Terrorists

-killing innocent Christians

-smuggling and extortion

-protecting our borders

6.  Define the following terms: brainstorming, clustering, thesis, implied thesis

Brainstorming is a way of discovering ideas about your topic.

Clustering is a way of visuall yarranging ideas so that you can tell at a glance where ideas belong and whether or not you need more information.

Thesis is the central point of your essay or the main idea.

Implied thesis is an announcement of your intent

Chapter 3

7. What are the eight patterns of development listed in chapter 3?

The eight patterns of development listed in chapter 3 are narration, description, exemplification, process, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, classificiation and division, and definition.

8. What are the parts of an essay?

The parts of an essay are introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

9.  Define the following terms: topic sentence, coherent paragraph, transitions

A topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph.

The coherent paragraph is smoothly and logically connected to one another.

Transitions and words or expressions that show chronological sequence.


10. What are five types of support that can help develop your paragraph.

Five types of support that can help develop my paragraphand examples, reasons, facts, statistics, and details.

Chapter 4

11. What are the five guidelines for writing an effective draft?

Five guidelines for writing an effective draft are to begin with the body paragraphs, get your ideas down quickly, take regular breaks as you write, write with revision in mind, and to leave yourself time to revise.

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