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Summary of Dr. Bowden's Cholesterol Talk

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Dr. Bowden’s talk was all about debunking that fat makes you fat. He explained how the theories of today on saturated fat and low-carb diets are wrong. If we cut back on carbs we will eat more protein and fats (bad fats) and that will lead to heart disease. Also, it is not the fat that is the problem it is the sugar. All the low-fat foods are loaded with sugar, so by being on that diet we are not lowering the obesity and heart disease rates.

The talk also stated that the Paleo diet is actually a good idea because it is free from sugar and processed foods. It focuses on the healthy fats and whole foods, which we know are good for us. Dr. Bowden explained that cave people died at 21 not because of their diet but because of the exposure to climate, environment, and tribal disputes.

Dr. Bowden went through several studies that proved that if saturated fat intake goes up the rate of heart disease stayed the same. People on a diet high in Omegas-3s reduced heart disease and cholesterol had nothing to do with it. If fact, Dr. Bowden thinks that doctors are measuring cholesterol all wrong. He said people just measure cholesterol as HDL good and LDL bad, when in reality there are several different types of HDL and LDL. With the LDLs, there is type A which is not all that bad, the type you need and type B is the bad and can oxidize in the artery.

Dr. Bowden believes heart disease has nothing to do with cholesterol and everything to do with inflammation. Inflammation can be due to environmental toxins we are exposed to every day. Also, the over intake of sugars. Sugar attaches to proteins making them too thick to fit through capillaries. That is why diabetics have problems in their toes, eyes, and kidneys, which are filled with tiny capillaries. Stress is also a major cause of inflammation. The way people deal with stress internally can have a serious effect. He gave the example of a huge increase heart attacks after a huge earthquake in southern California. Lastly, the statin drugs have major side effects, including lowering the good cholesterol needed for hormone balance.

Dr. Sinatra is a cardiologist and co-author of a book with Dr. Bowden. His webinar had a lot of the same information as far as low-fat diet being bad, trans-fat and sugar are the reasons for heart disease, and statin drugs can be good but can be very bad as well.

Dr. Sinatra explained that cholesterol is a life-sustaining molecule. It works with sunlight to activate vitamin-D which helps regulate blood pressure. Cholesterol produces sex hormones, adrenal hormones, progesterone, and testosterone. It also lubricates the skin, hair, and nails. Cholesterol protects gastrointestinal track and respiratory health. Cholesterol creates neurotransmitters in the brain. So cholesterol is very important for our health.

The webinar also covered that the old science for testing heart disease was checking your total carbs, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, and blood sugar. Dr. Sinatra says the old science is out dated and that doctors should be looking more at the ratio of triglycerides to HDL, which should be less than 5. Also, looking for indicators of metabolic syndrome. But the new science is looking at particle tests, like Dr. Bowden suggested. Ask for VAP, LPP, or NMR tests.

Statin drugs can be good for middle-aged men with heart disease. It can be an antioxidant, reduce inflammation, and change the shape of red blood cells to thin the blood. Statins are not for women and children. They can be harmful by causing weakness, muscle pain, stiffness, fatigue, increase aging rate, and cognitive problems. Statins can also deplete vital

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