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Types of College Students

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Types of College Students

You have just graduated from high school and passed the Standard Academic Test. Your application to college has been accepted and it's your first day at class. It is most likely you will encounter three types of college students on your campus. The three types of college students are usually called the jocks, the nerds, and the normal people. The reason for this essay is to clear up some concepts regarding the three types of college students.

One group, The Jocks, is the show-off type of people who puts off their homework assignments until the last minute. Once the assignment is completed at the last minute, the assignment is usually scored a low grade. The reason for this is because the jocks are always partying, going out on dates, or having fun with their sorority. The jocks wear anything to include torn jeans/shirts, work down sneakers or boots and cheap, expensive-looking jacket.

The second group, known campus-wide, is the nerds because they are obsessed with books, constantly studying and learning about their interests. The nerds are usually annoying with their obnoxious laughter regarding a really stupid joke. The nerds wear a nice shirt with a bow tie, or a tie and a nicely ironed dress pants and always has a pocket protector to prevent ink stains from their pens. The nerd spends their school night with a tight schedule for recreation, school homework, and learning new things that captures their interests. Computer programming, calculator programming, the biology of their pet frog are some of the common things that interests the nerds.

The third group is

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