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User Stenly (viking)

General Info

Name: Stenly Birth Date: May 12, 1981
City: *** Last Visit: February 16, 2009
Country: United States Joined: January 26, 2009


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Date Title Words Pages Views Rating
June 13, 2010 Drugs, Crime and Prohibition 2,941 12 1,938
June 13, 2010 Dulce Et Decorum and the Road to Nijmegen 680 3 2,213
June 13, 2010 Delegation 1,236 5 1,695
June 12, 2010 Sgt. Frog - Known in Japan as Sergeant Keroro 2,171 9 1,774
June 12, 2010 Ap Psychology Free Response Questions 519 3 2,806
June 12, 2010 Black Boy Analysis 303 2 2,410
June 12, 2010 On U.S. Indian Policy 306 2 1,706
June 12, 2010 Review of Literature 1,572 7 1,748
June 11, 2010 Systems 962 4 1,894
June 10, 2010 Songs 719 3 1,701
June 10, 2010 Sachin Tendulkar 507 3 1,776
June 9, 2010 Jacksonian Democracy Dbq 1,076 5 2,269
June 9, 2010 Flowers for Algernon 1,361 6 2,702
June 9, 2010 Beating on Bourbon Street 710 3 1,670
June 9, 2010 Health Care Services in Other Countries 1,500 6 1,496
June 9, 2010 Cis 319 - Riordan Manufacturing Project Paper 3,311 14 1,971
June 9, 2010 Railroads Effect Chicago 2,425 10 1,763
June 9, 2010 The Shining 433 2 2,015
June 8, 2010 An Acute Angle in an Obtuse World 1,194 5 1,686
June 8, 2010 Hr at Hp 1,725 7 1,692
June 8, 2010 Araby 1,064 5 3,351
June 8, 2010 Star Alliance: A Global Network 756 4 2,362
June 8, 2010 Ancient Egypt 253 2 1,779
June 7, 2010 Cru Steel 316 2 1,642
June 7, 2010 Infanticide of Females in India 1,366 6 1,849
June 7, 2010 Mozi 1,386 6 1,655
June 7, 2010 Hatchet 899 4 2,157
June 7, 2010 Leadership Comparison of Sonia Gandhi 911 4 2,749
June 7, 2010 Interesting Person 506 3 1,872
June 7, 2010 The Great Concept of American Freedom 1,409 6 1,754
June 6, 2010 The Price of Immortality -An Analysis of Homer’s the Iliad 747 3 2,013
June 6, 2010 The Criminalization of Youth 1,857 8 1,980
June 6, 2010 The Global Nuclear Reactor Industy 1,277 6 1,822
June 6, 2010 Bad Day Dawning 823 4 1,655
June 6, 2010 Stagolee 1,041 5 2,238
June 6, 2010 Supply Chain Management 384 2 1,645
June 5, 2010 Wrtiting Is Good for the Soul by Marwa 517 3 1,622
June 5, 2010 Motivational Theories 1,643 7 2,198
June 5, 2010 Music Diaries 580 3 1,693
June 5, 2010 Pest 661 3 1,635
June 5, 2010 Whats the Cubed Root of Intelligence? 631 3 1,459
June 5, 2010 Redhookale 495 2 1,486
June 5, 2010 Top 5 Management Challenges and Solutions 1,020 5 1,672
June 5, 2010 Why Does Hamlet Delay in Taking His Revenge? 656 3 2,089
June 4, 2010 Why Is Nike the Biggest Training Shoe Company in the World 325 2 1,657
June 4, 2010 The Satire Life of Chuck Norris 681 3 1,577
June 4, 2010 Compaq 444 2 1,576
June 4, 2010 Financial Accounting 1,517 7 1,600
June 4, 2010 Cancrer and Depression 1,589 7 1,429
June 4, 2010 The Making of Orphans 1,837 8 1,720

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