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Unfccc Negotiations

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UNFCCC Negotiations

One of the current negotiations was held in Germany on June 2014 that focused on three areas. These include the subsidiary body for scientific and technological advice (SBSTA), the subsidiary body for implementation (SBI) and the ADP. In the first two items, focus was mainly on the implementation of the consorted decisions whereas, the third item is scheduled to be implemented come the year 2020. Compared to the previous year, the 2014 negotiations ended fairly well. In the previous year, SBI negotiations could ton be undertaken as a result of procedural factors and this saw the environmental and developmental NGOs walk-out in utter protest. The negotiations involved serious issues of global concern since they directly or indirectly touch on the life of humanity.

Among the key issues that were talked about were mitigation actions proposed by the United States and China, the two main emitters. This was after the bar was raised by Mexico that promised to ensure 30% of its energy is renewable by 2018. There was also positive engagement with the civil society and climate science partners. The climate science stakeholders raised concern over the anticipated temperature rise by 4.8 degrees Celsius by the year 2081. This significantly results to increased risks to humanity. On the other hand, the civil society stakeholders discussed various issues in form of presentations. These include training, education and public awareness in light of the convention’s article 6. Unfortunately, different organizations from across the globe reckoned the plenary sessions with the civil society as dehumanizing.

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