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A Child Called "it": One Child's Courage to Survive

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Essay title: A Child Called "it": One Child's Courage to Survive

A Child Called "It": One Child's Courage to Survive

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Dave Pelzer



Publisher: HCI

Date published: 1995-09-01


Format: Paperback

Number of pages: 195


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David J. Pelzer's mother, Catherine Roerva, was, he writes in this ghastly, fascinating memoir, a devoted den mother to the Cub Scouts in her care, and somewhat nurturant to her children--but not to David, whom she referred to as "an It."This book is a brief, horrifying account of the bizarre tortures she inflicted on him, told from the point of view of the author as a young boy being starved, stabbed, smashed face-first into mirrors, forced to eat the contents of hissibling's diapers and a spoonful of ammonia, and burned over a gas stove by a maniacal, alcoholic

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