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User regina (regina)

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Name: regina Birth Date: September 4, 1981
City: *** Last Visit: July 15, 2009
Country: United States Joined: February 18, 2009


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Date Title Words Pages Views Rating
June 14, 2010 The Blue Planet" Summary Essay 552 3 2,574
June 13, 2010 Indian Retail 340 2 1,812
June 13, 2010 Outline: Infomative Essay 364 2 2,015
June 13, 2010 Covey 1,159 5 1,968
June 13, 2010 A Renewable Energy Resource: The Hydroelectric Power 534 3 1,823
June 13, 2010 The Tragedy of Holden Caulfield Is That He Cannot Accept the Adult World He Is Too Old to Continue the Innocent Life of a Child 1,005 5 3,110
June 13, 2010 Key Issue in Pakistan Industry 786 4 2,121
June 12, 2010 Psych Terms 1,434 6 1,574
June 12, 2010 The Ozone Layer 2,221 9 2,147
June 12, 2010 Human Beings and Computers 471 2 1,548
June 12, 2010 Fair Value Accounting 1,331 6 1,862
June 11, 2010 Nutrition in Children with Cancer 2,073 9 1,723
June 11, 2010 My Reletionships 993 4 1,331
June 11, 2010 Camila 562 3 1,492
June 11, 2010 Rogers Report 1,942 8 1,610
June 11, 2010 Hrm Activities 801 4 2,784
June 11, 2010 Islam 592 3 1,872
June 11, 2010 Monty Python and the Holy Grail 451 2 2,167
June 11, 2010 Ernest Hemingway 368 2 1,351
June 11, 2010 Jackie Robinson 1,798 8 2,869
June 11, 2010 Classification Essay 509 3 1,511
June 10, 2010 Financial Accounting 494 2 1,428
June 10, 2010 Stay at Home Dads 1,032 5 1,942
June 10, 2010 Tv Guide Situation Analysis 287 2 1,575
June 10, 2010 Marketing Implementation 3,169 13 2,190
June 9, 2010 Shakespeare 1,066 5 1,456
June 9, 2010 Commissions for 2nd Year Gcse Dance 362 2 1,336
June 8, 2010 Places to Travel 392 2 1,542
June 8, 2010 Working at Starbucks 1,390 6 1,602
June 8, 2010 Alzheimer’s Disease 449 2 1,484
June 8, 2010 World War II Dbq 737 3 2,227
June 7, 2010 Are School Uniforms Good or Bad? 401 2 1,757
June 7, 2010 Martin Luther King, Jr. 842 4 1,433
June 7, 2010 The Advantages of Open Source Software 524 3 1,499
June 7, 2010 Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Bible 1,217 5 1,702
June 7, 2010 Anne Sexton - Confessional Poet 851 4 1,804
June 7, 2010 Why and Under What Conditions Are People More Likely to Buy Brand Names Rather Than Their Generic Counterparts? 1,992 8 1,784
June 7, 2010 Martin Luther King Jr 3rd Grade 312 2 2,941
June 7, 2010 Csi Essay 4,065 17 1,675
June 6, 2010 Triple X Syndrom 439 2 2,120
June 6, 2010 Girl 474 2 1,357
June 6, 2010 Evolving Myself 538 3 1,396
June 6, 2010 William Carlos Williams 830 4 1,686
June 6, 2010 Gaming in Other Countries 1,104 5 1,370
June 6, 2010 12 Angry Men 537 3 2,147
June 5, 2010 Cultural Studies Theory 588 3 1,629
June 5, 2010 A Brief Story 1,467 6 1,352
June 4, 2010 The Aztec Indians 2,478 10 1,795
June 4, 2010 The Lives of Benito Mussolini and Fidel Castro 1,111 5 1,905
June 4, 2010 The Amish: A Shocking Story 2,491 10 1,736

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