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Australia’s Policies: The Effect, Implication for Social Justice and Equity in Austrlia

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Essay title: Australia’s Policies: The Effect, Implication for Social Justice and Equity in Austrlia

Australia's Policies: the Effect, Implication for Social Justice and equity in Austrlia

By VIET DUY PHAM (99563905)

Unemployment happens to many people and can be a stressful, depressing and guilt ridden time of life. Understanding and promoting awareness of the consequences of joblessness for individuals and the community is important in order to mobilize societal commitment to tackle the problem, and to guide the policy responses that are made to it. The effect of unemployment on individuals may vary according to a wide range of factors, such as financial resources, socioeconomic status, age, gender, marital status, duration of unemployment, previous employment experience, and ethnicity.

Unemployment is a meaning described a situation or condition where worker within a society are jobless to maintaining their income. In economic studies unemployment statistics measure the condition and extent of joblessness within an economy. (Kryger Tony, 2007). And the major factors which influences the unemployment are varies from Frictional Unemployment, when moving from one job to another, the unemployment temporarily experienced when looking for a new job. The Structural Unemployment caused by a mismatch between the location of jobs and the location of job-seekers. "Location" may be geographical, or in terms of skills. The mismatch comes because unemployed are unwilling or unable to change geography or skills (lack of education). The Cyclical Unemployment, where there is not enough aggregate demand for the labor. Caused by a business cycle recession. Technological Unemployment, caused by the lack of education, replacement of workers by machines or other advanced technology. The Classical Unemployment when real wages for a job are set above the market-clearing level, commonly government (as with the minimum wage) or unions, although some suggest that even social taboos can prevent wages from falling to the market clearing level. And Seasonal Unemployment, when an occupation is not in demand at certain seasons. For example, construction workers in winter, ski instructors in summer (Dixon, R and Sherperd, D, 2000).

In the previous essay on ‘Media tracking of Unemployment Trends in the past decade’ (Pham Viet, 2007). I have shown that Australian society and it’s economy has a problem which itself creates problems in related areas - permeating through society - it is the problem of unemployment. Workers are stressed, overworked and bullied because they are afraid of losing their job; small businesses and self-employed worked very long hours to stay viable because there are too many for the market but there is no better alternative(for example truck-drivers or taxi-drivers); unemployed people themselves can face depression, low self-esteem, social pressure, financial hardship and a feeling of hopelessness; school children and tertiary students are pressured more and more to achieve and do well in order chase jobs, but where there are still the same number of people chasing the same number of jobs, and there still aren’t enough jobs for the number of people; and governments give ridiculous and economically irrational subsidies and tariff protection to companies and industries, which costs the whole country in the end. So this Major essay? How did the Coalition Government and Major Parties in Australia response to this issue? And the implication of social justice and equity in Australia.

Though most media like the article ‘Unemployment rate stays stead’ on ABC Premium News 2006 (James McConvill, 2006) stated that unemployment in Australia now stands at 4.9 per cent - just a notch up from July's 30-year low of 4.8 per cent, the Participations rate increased to 65.0%. The unemployment trends in past decade have drops from 9% to less than 5% for both male and females. The Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, the Hon Joe Hockey MP also reported that ‘Long-term Unemployment Hits New Record Low its lowest level since April 1986’ (Needham. E, 2007).

Through those report, it is may seem as good sign showing that assuming Australia’s economy has provided a standard living for its citizens that’s why these trends of unemployment during these 10 years has dropped dramatically. And so claimed the Employment Minister Kevin Andrews “says the WorkChoice scheme has created more than 100,000 extra jobs in its first few months” (ABC Premium News 2006). These changes also implicated that The Australian labour market and its education and training institutions have served most Australians rather well through education also it is one of a key factor contributing to the trends of unemployment, as ABS (2006) Media Release noted, in 2006, 21% of Australians aged 15 to 64 years had a Bachelor degree or higher qualification,

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