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Impacts of Family Traditions and Religion in India

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Essay title: Impacts of Family Traditions and Religion in India

Impacts of Family Traditions and Religion in India

Family traditions and religion greatly impact the lives of many people in India. These elements of culture are reasons that form the way that Indians lead their lives. Both factors make up what type of person that individual will become. That is the reason why religion and family traditions are so valued in Indian society.

Religion is probably the most definitive factor in the way that an Indian will lead his life, particularly if they practice Hinduism. In Hinduism this person must follow a strict set of rules called Dharma. These rules state how this person shall lead his life. They state that each person must follow their Dharma at all costs. For example if their Dharma tells them to kill someone then it is acceptable to that person. A passage from the Bhagavad Gita explains this best through this passage "It is better to do one's duty badly than to do another's well". Dharma varies from class to class in the caste system. The rules get stricter and stricter as one goes up the class system.

The caste system is the second most definitive factor to all Indians. This caste system will determine what kind of job and what set of Dharma one must follow. This caste system tells one whom they can and cannot marry. This caste system directly impacts all of Indian society lives greatly. To me this caste system reflects a segregated community that judge's people on the mere fact of their birth. This segregation also keeps life for all Indians very stable with little or no fluctuations in the country's economy. Everything is keep at a stand still in these types of communities. This caste system also allows patriarchal rule, which greatly limits the roles of women in, the Indian society.

This patriarchal role of males in the Indian family allows for all the power to be placed on the father of the household. This power can be abused which I would assume happens with the children in these families. The oldest male child has the authority to boss around his other siblings, and in the death of his father he then becomes the leader of the household. This could lead to many harsh or unfair ruling by older siblings or by other members of society. This would lead for the younger sibling

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