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Ibt Marketing & Communication

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Ibt Marketing & Communication

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IBT Marketing & Communication

Who We Are ?

IBT Marketing & Communication is a specialized marketing Communication, activation & event management company, devoted to providing marketing insights and perspectives to improve a company's performance or to augment a potential investor's valuation assessment. We sell solution in the areas of integrated marketing plans for any growth oriented company.

The IBT Group help to answer the tough questions concerning the marketing dimensions of a business, to complement internal financial and other quantitative analyses, thereby leading to more accurate valuations, better decisions and improved results. Such assessments include:

  • Creative
  • Media, Printing, and Publications
  • Production (TVC, Documentary film/ Movie making)
  • Brand Positioning
  • Marketing Communications Planning
  • Advertising Development & Approval Processes
  • Activations of products
  • Event Management
  • Competitive Insulation, etc

Our company is aimed to take the challenge of making any company and it’s product more visible to target customers and the whole market. Since the inception of the journey of our company, we have kept adequate space for continuous development of our services by being more consumer focused and delivery on time.

                                                                                Founded in 2007, The Institute of Business & Technology (IBT) was created to help local and multi-national companies get the marketing resources they need to achieve the business results they want.[pic 2]

Starting with a strong background in consumer products, the company has grown to serve business-to-business industrial focused clients, medical practitioners and retail establishments as well as consumer products companies.

Behind this backdrop, the company also engaged in strategic partnership with various educational institutes namely North South University, Bangladesh, Primeasia University, Bangladesh, Northern University of Bangladesh, The Royal Roads University in Canada and very recently it has been tied up with Global Marketing Network (GMN) – a world wide hub for marketing professionals.


Exceeding boundaries of creativity.


Becoming one of the leading market solution fields within next 5 years.

Our tool of success:

Our key success factors include commitment, creativity, innovation and understandability of clients need. We always look for newer and improved ways of marketing which meets the demand of time and rapidly changing market. We practice a healthy combination of planning and execution using state-of-the-art tools and techniques. We see every project as an opportunity to make our position stronger in the competition.

Our Team:

We have a dynamic team of individuals who are creative, focused, dedicated and are ready to take responsibility of delivering the services up to the level of expectation of our clients.

Our way of Operation:

Being in the highly competitive market of Marketing and event management companies, we not only focus on our performance but also keep a close watch on competitors. Since we offer a vast range of services, we have separate departments for all these services who work as a team to deliver the quality service to clients. Our clients are top multinational companies, so our delivery standard is always higher than average. We have positioned our company as a preferred recruiter to attract fresh talents of top Universities. Our guiding principles, work method, expert professionals, strong working relation with MNCs and business houses, profitability and diverse portfolio, are our key strengths. We not only focus on big brands but also on new brands and new corporate houses on how best we can provide them service and help them establish their business.

What we do/Services

Our Services:

The IBT Group helps to answers the tough questions concerning the marketing dimensions of a business, Such assessments include:

  • Creative Solution
  • Marketing Communications Planning
  • Strategic Marketing Plans and Consulting
  • Market Research
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Market Size and Scope
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Brand Management
  • Public Relations
  • Event Management
  • Media Production
  • Advertising
  • Documentary
  • Promotional Gift Items

Creative Solution:

We develop new concept design to determine our client’s needs, the message that the design should portray, and how it should appeal to customers or end users. At IBT Marketing & Communications, our creative designers consider cognitive, cultural, physical, and social factors in planning and executing designs for the target audience.

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