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Socrates Essays and Term Papers


78 Essays on Socrates. Documents 26 - 50

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Last update: August 20, 2014
  • Camparison of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle

    Camparison of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle

    Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, all Greek philosophers, had relatively the same beliefs about man's relation to the State. Although Plato's political theory of the State was more rational than Socrates or Aristotle's, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all believed that man was not self-sufficient; they believed man would be most happy living in a State and that all men wanted to live the “truly good life” where they could be in tune with the truth and

    Essay Length: 998 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: December 24, 2009 By: Victor
  • Socrates


    The most interesting and influential thinker in the fifth century was Socrates, whose dedication to careful reasoning transformed the entire enterprise. Since he sought genuine knowledge rather than mere victory over an opponent, Socrates employed the same logical tricks developed by the Sophists to a new purpose, the pursuit of truth. Thus, his willingness to call everything into question and his determination to accept nothing less than an adequate account of the nature of things

    Essay Length: 688 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: December 26, 2009 By: Janna
  • What Argument Does Crito Use to Convince Socrates to Leave??

    What Argument Does Crito Use to Convince Socrates to Leave??

    What argument does Crito use to convince Socrates to leave?? Crito and some of his friends were willing to pay informants to keep whatever knowledge of Socrates escape secret. He also gave him the option of staying in Thessaly, and he assured him that he wouldn't be harmed there. The main argument that Crito used in trying to convince Socrates, was by saying that in not trying to escape he would be betraying his own

    Essay Length: 401 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: December 28, 2009 By: Janna
  • Socrates’ Demonstration with the Slave Boy

    Socrates’ Demonstration with the Slave Boy

    Socrates' demonstration with the slave boy, is an effort to use mathematical reasoning to illustrate the process and the importance of keeping an active mind. Simultaneously he is using mathematical reasoning to illustrate how a similar process of reasoning is used in virtually every decision that we make. When Socrates asks the slave boy to find the length of a side of the square with the area of 8, he finds that the answer can

    Essay Length: 1,007 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: December 29, 2009 By: Edward
  • Socrates’ Unexamined Life

    Socrates’ Unexamined Life

    Why does Socrates think that the unexamined life is not worth living? Does he have a good defense of his philosophical life? As the wisest man in all of ancient Greece, Socrates believed that the purpose of life was both personal and spiritual growth. He establishes this conviction in what is arguably his most renowned statement: "The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates makes it quite evident through the severity of the language in

    Essay Length: 1,676 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: December 29, 2009 By: David
  • Pre-Socratic Philosophers

    Pre-Socratic Philosophers

    There were three different groups of Pre-Socratic philosophers, The Milesain monists, other monists, and the Pluralists. The Milesaines were found in Miletus, a Greek trading colonel, which is located in present day Turkey. The other monists could be found in different parts of Greece in the fifth century. Then the Pluralists could also be found in different parts of Greece. The first Milesain monist was Thales. He was able to predict that there was going

    Essay Length: 507 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: December 30, 2009 By: Steve
  • Socrates: Knowledge

    Socrates: Knowledge

    Socrates: Knowledge Socrates Philosophical Problem The problem lies in lack of knowledge which often leads men to mistake bad things for good. His aim in his philosophical dialogs were to establish an understanding of knowledge through questioning and debate. He believed in many universal truths and by the exercise of reason one may come to an understanding of what was good. In this time philosophy was lacking moral and political philosophies and there was not

    Essay Length: 326 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: December 31, 2009 By: Monika
  • Socrates Apology

    Socrates Apology

    In Socrates’ apology, he defends himself against all three accusations that have been put in front of him in the court of law; as he stands there accused, attempting to convince the jury of his innocence, Socrates uses his more than capable abilities to explain, step by step, that his is not guilty of any of these charges. In my opinion, Socrates accurately explains to the jury that he is not only innocent of these

    Essay Length: 1,179 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 5, 2010 By: Tasha
  • Socratic Dialectic, Method and Piety

    Socratic Dialectic, Method and Piety

    Socratic Dialectic, Method, and Piety This essay will discuss the nature of Socrates inquiries in to the way humans ought to live. This paper will begin by looking at Socrates' understanding of the good life and the importance of self-knowledge. It will then look at the theory of learning that the Socratic dialectic fosters, along with Socrates' theory of the natural goodness of human nature. Using Plato's story of Euthyphro, it will show the practical

    Essay Length: 275 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 6, 2010 By: Mike
  • Socrates


    Ethnicity and Health Social Justice, Race, Ethnicity: Its Impact in Health Samantha Thomas Biology 104, Section 6 Professor Arrigo November 29, 2007 Ethnicity and Health 1 Abstract Now in the twenty-first century, health has become a serious issue in every aspect from the rich to the poor. It is a growing problem in the Unites States. Many people may overlook this, but most citizens in the United States agree that the issue of healthcare demand

    Essay Length: 1,859 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: January 11, 2010 By: Jon
  • Socrates


    Philosophy “Death is a Blessing Argument” The Argument in Socrates �Death is a blessing’ speech; is that of he does not see death as being a horrible thing that we do. He says that if death is just a state of nothingness where eternity would be just one single night. Now if death is what we humans perceive death to be, and we go into an afterlife then Socrates says this would even be better

    Essay Length: 302 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 12, 2010 By: Mike
  • Socrates: The Greek Philosopher

    Socrates: The Greek Philosopher

    The life of the Greek philosopher Socrates (469-399 BC) marks such a critical point in Western thought that standard histories divide Greek philosophy into pre-Socratic and post-Socratic periods. Socrates left no writings of his own, and his work has inspired almost as many different interpretations as there have been interpreters. He remains one of the most important and one of the most enigmatic figures in Western philosophy. As a young man Socrates became fascinated with

    Essay Length: 493 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 12, 2010 By: Jessica
  • Socrates Views on Virtue and Happiness

    Socrates Views on Virtue and Happiness

    There are certain truths of the world that cannot be ignored or overlooked. Many philosophers have spent countless years discussing, debating and evaluating such truths. One such influential philosopher is Socrates. Born in Athens in 469 B.C.E, he spent most of his time at the marketplace and other public places engaging in dialogues about truths of life. Among many other things, he discussed virtue and happiness and how closely they are related. According to Socrates,

    Essay Length: 1,022 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2010 By: Andrew
  • Defense of Socrates

    Defense of Socrates

    Plato's "Defense of Socrates" follows the trial of Socrates for charges of corruption of the youth. His accuser, Meletus, claims he is doing so by teaching the youth of Athens of a separate spirituality from that which was widely accepted. Socrates' argument was unique in that he tried to convince the jury he was just an average man and not to be feared, but in actuality demonstrated how clever and tenacious he was. He begins

    Essay Length: 1,273 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: January 29, 2010 By: Jessica
  • The Trial of Socrates

    The Trial of Socrates

    In the trial of Socrates, I juror number 307, Ryan Callahan vote the defendant is Not Guilty on the first charge of Corrupting the youth. My justifications for this vote are as follows. Socrates didn't corrupt the youth, he just shared his ideas with them and they in turn chose the path to take these ideas. Part of understanding this case is understand the time in which the case was held. This time being 399

    Essay Length: 1,617 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: February 7, 2010 By: Jon
  • Socrates: Meno

    Socrates: Meno

    Socrates: Meno At the beginning of Meno the question of what virtue is and whether or not it can be taught is brought up. The question of whether knowledge is virtue or virtue is knowledge is also brought up in the text. There are many different interpretations of Meno and all the things discussed within it. I am sure that there are many views and ideas as to where knowledge comes from, the true source

    Essay Length: 370 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 13, 2010 By: Janna
  • The Escape of Socrates

    The Escape of Socrates

    The Escape of Socrates The Escape of Socrates sounds more like an epic historic documentary directed by Oliver Stone than a critic paper based on Socrates life. This paper is based on the possibility of escape for Socrates during his imprisonment and whether it affected his choice to remain imprison and accept his fate. I will fight that virtue and age actually determined his fate. Had he been a few decades younger he may have

    Essay Length: 617 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 13, 2010 By: Kevin
  • Misfits and Socrates

    Misfits and Socrates

    The Misfits and Socrates both have different views understanding the consequences of their actions their both have determination how they live. The misfit seemed to know more than the grandmother knew about religion and the belief system. But he had the same problem that is a predicament of today’s world it is that there is no physical evidence of anything beyond what is evident around us. The misfit’s complain is “ain’t a cloud in the

    Essay Length: 1,372 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: February 14, 2010 By: Janna
  • The Death of Socrates

    The Death of Socrates

    The Death of Socrates Viewing the painting “The Death of Socrates” by Jacques-Louis David, one can perceive many different subject matters, both literally and metaphorically. The obvious is seen within the setting of the painting. The clear illustration of where the event is happening provides the onlooker with a glimpse into a different time and era. Conversely, the artist has taken the liberty to hide deep meaning inside the work of art through less apparent

    Essay Length: 1,237 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: February 15, 2010 By: Fatih
  • Socrates, Symposium

    Socrates, Symposium

    Plato's Theory of Knowledge is very interesting. He expresses this theory with three approaches: his allegory of The Cave, his metaphor of the Divided Line and his doctrine The Forms. Each theory is interconnected; one could not be without the other. Here we will explore how one relates to the other. In The Cave, Plato describes a vision of shackled prisoners seated in a dark cave facing the wall. Chained also by their necks, the

    Essay Length: 786 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 17, 2010 By: David
  • Socrates


    Socrates direct answer about virtue is that it is unteachable, Socrates does not believe in the doctrine of recollection to explain why we are in possession of knowledge about things. But Socrates does argue that knowledge and virtue are so closely related that no human ever knowingly does evil. Socrates also believes that a life of virtue is always in a persons best interest. He does not think that anyone could be happy in a

    Essay Length: 271 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 19, 2010 By: Anna
  • The Anti-Democratic Faces of Socrates

    The Anti-Democratic Faces of Socrates

    The Anti-Democratic Faces of Socrates Socrates is among an elite class of extraordinary human beings. Whether it is religion, politics or socioeconomic issues, Socrates' philosophy had a profound impact on Athenian civilization. His thoughts and ideas have sparked many debates and examinations of the way we live our lives even today. In the three dialogues Defence of Socrates, Euthyphro, and Crito, written by the philosopher Plato, one can find evidence that Socrates was not an

    Essay Length: 988 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: March 12, 2010 By: Max
  • Socrates


    Letha Schmidt March 14, 2007 Professor Wolk Midterm 1. Pericles was a very influential statesman, orator, and general of Athens during n the city's Golden Age. He had such a profound influence on Athenian society that he was acclaimed as "the first citizen of Athens". He led his countrymen during the first two years of the Peloponnesian War. He also promoted the arts and literature, which became the reason why Athens holds the reputation of

    Essay Length: 1,274 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: March 15, 2010 By: Andrew
  • Socrates/euthyphro


    9/4/07 Short Paper #1 "Tell me, what benefit for the gods does there happen to be from the gifts that they get from us? As to what they give, it is clear to everyone, for there is no good for us that they do not give. But as to what they get from us, how are they benefited? Or do we have so much of an advantage over them in our commerce, that we get

    Essay Length: 311 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 17, 2010 By: Wendy
  • Democracy: Justices, Injustices, and Socratic Arguments to Improve Current Democratic Politics

    Democracy: Justices, Injustices, and Socratic Arguments to Improve Current Democratic Politics

    In the Republic, Plato seeks to define justice and, through definition, show that justice is intrinsically worthwhile. In doing so, Plato sets out to explain the principal concept of political justice, and from this obtain a parallel model of individual justice. Essentially, justice is defined as a result of accurate logic or reasoning. However, it is quite important to note that the democratic regime discussed in the Republic is not the same as the known

    Essay Length: 1,154 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 23, 2010 By: Jon

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