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User David (denver_d)

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Name: David Birth Date: November 2, 1978
City: *** Last Visit: March 22, 2009
Country: United States Joined: January 8, 2009


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Date Title Words Pages Views Rating
June 13, 2010 John Stuart Mill 2,326 10 2,058
June 13, 2010 The Rift Inside the C-Suite - the Ceo Vs. the Cmo 4,391 18 1,754
June 13, 2010 Apple Inc 559 3 1,698
June 13, 2010 Narrative Techniques in Dan Brown's the Da Vinci Code 603 3 3,671
June 12, 2010 Publis Budgeting 774 4 1,748
June 12, 2010 A Study of Advertisements in Relation to Affectivity and a Comparison of Two Adverts on the Same Product but Differing Brands 483 2 2,250
June 12, 2010 Analysis Thomas Hobbes’s Claim "a State of Nature Is, or Would Be, a State of War of Everyone Against Everyone" 1,420 6 2,580
June 12, 2010 Functions of Management 734 3 1,984
June 12, 2010 Ezra Pound Developing Ideas 1,052 5 1,825
June 12, 2010 Women’s Participation in Labor Force 907 4 2,246
June 12, 2010 The Importance of Punctuality 324 2 3,589
June 12, 2010 You Just Don’t Understand 317 2 2,129
June 11, 2010 Salem Witch Trials 1,358 6 1,787
June 11, 2010 Fast Food Nation 331 2 1,560
June 11, 2010 Romeo Is Completely to Blame for the Tragic OutCome In the Play. 1,331 6 2,821
June 11, 2010 Mahatma Gandhi’s Influence and Ideas 1,868 8 2,256
June 10, 2010 Spam War 544 3 1,574
June 10, 2010 Dylan and Elvis’ Affect on Culture 872 4 1,752
June 10, 2010 Mixed Marriage 789 4 2,438
June 10, 2010 Barbie - Actions and Consequences 774 4 2,247
June 10, 2010 Weekly Summary 442 2 1,675
June 9, 2010 Discuss If the Unemployment Rate Is Cyclical 392 2 1,617
June 9, 2010 White Oleander 1,051 5 1,639
June 9, 2010 Houston Miracle Analysis 594 3 1,418
June 9, 2010 A Poem by Langston Hughes "a Theme for Englisg B" and a Poem by Linda Pastan "ethics" Which Is More Pessimistic or Optimistic... 1,142 5 2,584
June 9, 2010 Gender Roles in American Society 1,577 7 1,846
June 9, 2010 Southwest Airlines Case Study 1,381 6 2,468
June 8, 2010 Brave New World Vs. the Collector 643 3 1,678
June 8, 2010 Ambulatory Care 439 2 1,513
June 8, 2010 Oracle Erp System 769 4 1,772
June 8, 2010 Stars over Time 1,134 5 1,391
June 8, 2010 History of Tv 805 4 1,785
June 7, 2010 Globalizing Volkswagon 1,271 6 1,812
June 7, 2010 Hispanic 343 2 1,585
June 7, 2010 Critque of Travelling Othello 459 2 1,417
June 7, 2010 Week 6 Assignment 291 2 1,395
June 7, 2010 My First Year at Lewis 496 2 1,635
June 6, 2010 Developing a Definition of Justice 1,093 5 1,961
June 6, 2010 Feminism Is a Futile Cause 2,851 12 1,678
June 6, 2010 Snow-Flakes - Longfellow's Practical Guide to Grieving 737 3 1,489
June 6, 2010 Baylor Medical Center and Emergency Care Issues 684 3 1,571
June 6, 2010 The Definition of Marketing 1,603 7 2,228
June 6, 2010 Innovation 2,219 9 1,819
June 6, 2010 Annual Target Corp 1,898 8 1,586
June 5, 2010 Who Was Responsible for the Sinking of the Lusitania? 711 3 2,613
June 5, 2010 Steroids in Baseball 1,011 5 1,258
June 5, 2010 Green Light Go, Red Light Stop 494 2 1,691
June 5, 2010 Murder of Helen Jewett 1,527 7 1,522
June 5, 2010 Pioneer Petroleum Corporation Analysis 780 4 3,751
June 4, 2010 The Yippies 2,679 11 1,683

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