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Marketing Plan for Business Healthcare Club

By:   •  Research Paper  •  2,685 Words  •  November 12, 2009  •  1,409 Views

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Essay title: Marketing Plan for Business Healthcare Club




Table of Contents Page No.

Executive Summary 4

„« Marketing Objective 4

„« Mission 5

„« Keys to Success 5

Company Summary 6

„« Services 6

„« Service Description 6

„« Competitive Comparison 6

Situation Analysis 8

„« Market Summary 8

„« Market Demographics 8

„« Market Needs 9

„« Market Trends 9

SWOT Analysis 11

Marketing Strategy 12

„« Mission 12

„« Marketing Objectives 12

„« Financial Objectives 12

„« Target Markets 12

„« Positioning 13

„« Strategy 13

„« Marketing Mix 13

„« Marketing Research 14

Financials 15

„« Break-even Analysis 15

„« Sales Forecast 15

„« Expense Forecast 16

Controls and Implementation 18

„« Milestones 18

„« Marketing Organization 19

„« Contingency Planning 19

References 20


The health club - Orange Fitness will serve corporate businesses, helping them to become more productive, while lowering their overall costs.

Our business is based on two facts:

„« Healthy employees are more productive than chronically ill employees.

„« It costs less to prevent injuries or illnesses than to treat them after they occur.

At Orange Fitness, we tie worker productivity directly to the health care issue. We believe that traditional approaches to the current health care crisis are misdirected. These traditional efforts are what we call reactive - that is, they wait until after the worker has been stricken with illness or injury, and then pay for the necessary treatments. Our approach, which emphasizes prevention and good health promotion, is much more proactive.

By helping employees change their behavior patterns and chooses more healthy lifestyles. Orange Fitness will lower companies' health care expenditures, while raising worker productivity. Health care expenditures will decrease due to reduced medical insurance premiums, reduced absenteeism, reduced turnover rates, reduced worker's compensation claims, reduced tardiness, shorter hospital stays, etc which will further increase its reputation.

The health care crisis, coupled with current demographic changes, threaten to not only exacerbate the crisis, but further erode worker productivity as well. These environmental factors coupled with the local competitive situation signal a favorable opportunity in this market. We feel the time is right for Orange Fitness.

Marketing Objective

„« Provide wellness strategies/programs to businesses in corporate sector.

„« Create working relationships with 100 companies by the end of March 2006.

„« Establish Orange Fitness network in North India, by the

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