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Weber- “objectivity” of Knowledge in Social Science and Social Policy

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Essay title: Weber- “objectivity” of Knowledge in Social Science and Social Policy

“Weber- “Objectivity” of knowledge in social science and social policy”

Max Weber was born April 24th 1864 in Touring, Germany. He was the eldest of seven children. His Father was a protestant, who became successful in the bourgeoisie, as a politician, eventually becoming City Chancellor, and later a member of the Prussian house of deputy’s. His Mother was a French protestant, and came from a wealthy family, after her mother died, and her father re-married. His family and religious background became part of his writings after he attended The University of Berlin. Eventually he Later worked for University’s such as Friedberg University, University of Heidelberg, University of Vienna, and The University of Munich. Many of works he published dealt with rationalizations, sociology religion, and government. Many of these views were talked about in what many call his most famous piece, “The Protestant Ethic on the Spirit of Capitalism”.

Today in sociology Weber is considered one of the founders of what we call modern sociology. Although during his time he was recognized as a historian and economist. Unlike Durkheim, the other

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