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As a Product Manager of a Pharma Company You Have an Opportunity to Launch a Brand in the Market Which Has a Growth of 30% Yoy & There Is only one Competitor Which Does Not Have the Brand Focused for Promotion. Chalk out a Marketing Plan for the Same?

By:   •  Research Paper  •  323 Words  •  May 6, 2011  •  1,706 Views

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As a Product Manager of a Pharma Company You Have an Opportunity to Launch a Brand in the Market Which Has a Growth of 30% Yoy & There Is only one Competitor Which Does Not Have the Brand Focused for Promotion. Chalk out a Marketing Plan for the Same?

I. Executive Summary

A high-level summary of the marketing plan.

II. The Challenge

Brief description of product to be marketed and associated goals, such as sales figures and strategic goals.

III. Situation Analysis

Company Analysis

• Goals

• Focus

• Culture

• Strengths

• Weaknesses

• Market share

Customer Analysis

• Number

• Type

• Value drivers

• Decision process

• Concentration of customer base for particular products

Competitor Analysis

• Market position

• Strengths

• Weaknesses

• Market shares


• Subsidiaries, joint ventures, and distributors, etc.


Macro-environmental Pest Analysis:

• Political and legal environment

• Economic environment

• Social and cultural environment

• Technological environment

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT Analysis of the business environment can be performed by organizing the environmental factors as follows:

• The firm's internal attributes can be classed as strengths and weaknesses.

• The external environment presents opportunities and threats.

IV. Market Segmentation

Present a description of the market segmentation as follows:

Segment 1

• Description

• Percent of sales

• What they want

• How they use product

• Support requirements

• How to reach them

• Price sensitivity

V. Alternative Marketing Strategies

List and discuss the alternatives that were considered before arriving at the recommended strategy. Alternatives might include discontinuing a product, re-branding, positioning as a premium or value product, etc.

VI. Selected Marketing Strategy

Discuss why the strategy was selected, then the marketing mix decisions (4 P's) of product, price, place (distribution), and promotion.



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