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User David (denver_d)

General Info

Name: David Birth Date: November 2, 1978
City: *** Last Visit: March 22, 2009
Country: United States Joined: January 8, 2009


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Date Title Words Pages Views Rating
April 13, 2010 Gpu 306 2 936
April 13, 2010 The Effects of Alzheimer's Disease 1,577 7 1,186
April 12, 2010 Morris 699 3 1,129
April 12, 2010 History of the Cau Art Gallery 414 2 1,223
April 12, 2010 How to Learn English 326 2 1,511
April 12, 2010 Enter the Dragon: An Analysis of the Nature of China's Emerging Role in Africa 5,148 21 1,513
April 11, 2010 Biblical Influences on Cry, the Beloved Country 778 4 1,435
April 11, 2010 Biotechnology: Genetically Modified Foods 519 3 1,235
April 11, 2010 Hume Causation 790 4 1,327
April 11, 2010 Women as a Minority Group 1,331 6 1,925
April 11, 2010 Love 789 4 1,019
April 11, 2010 Voter Turnout Issues 2,417 10 1,129
April 11, 2010 Critical Thinking 486 2 991
April 11, 2010 Same Sex-Marriage 880 4 968
April 10, 2010 Cliques in High Schools 1,065 5 1,574
April 10, 2010 Mental Disabilities 1,317 6 899
April 10, 2010 The Motivation Theory Used Within the Coca-Cola Company 301 2 1,940
April 10, 2010 Torts 1,116 5 1,210
April 10, 2010 Land Trust Alliance 681 3 1,092
April 10, 2010 Malcolm X’s Ideologies Before Mecca & Following... 585 3 1,556
April 9, 2010 Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization 250 1 1,107
April 9, 2010 Analyse Shane with Specific Reference to the Films Visual Style and Western Themes 1,558 7 1,210
April 9, 2010 Jackson as a President: Yesterday and Today 950 4 1,354
April 9, 2010 Virtual Private Network 1,140 5 1,320
April 9, 2010 Learning Disabilities Summary 497 2 2,406
April 8, 2010 Should College Athletes Be Paid or Not? 398 2 1,995
April 8, 2010 Prison 643 3 972
April 8, 2010 Mba 503 Methods of Long-Term Financing 2,093 9 1,315
April 8, 2010 Indonisia’s Policy on Decolinization 474 2 1,276
April 8, 2010 Alphabet Book Report 735 3 1,418
April 8, 2010 Integrated Marketing Communications 1,511 7 1,910
April 8, 2010 Restaurant Industry 975 4 1,223
April 8, 2010 To Clone, or Not to Clone? 868 4 1,050
April 8, 2010 Global Warming: Act Now 1,530 7 1,131
April 8, 2010 Persuasive Speech 258 2 1,076
April 7, 2010 Schindler’s List 899 4 1,200
April 7, 2010 The Information Technology Department Risk Assessment 533 3 1,059
April 7, 2010 Hominids 523 3 946
April 7, 2010 Dracula in Our Culture 560 3 1,106
April 7, 2010 Research Article Critique 950 4 1,177
April 7, 2010 William Few, What Would We Do Without You? 405 2 1,079
April 7, 2010 George B McClellan 2,009 9 1,413
April 7, 2010 Problem Solution: Riordan Manufacturing 377 2 988
April 7, 2010 Things Fall Apart, Achebe’s Odyssey 952 4 1,363
April 6, 2010 Creationism and Public Schools 993 4 987
April 6, 2010 Hypnosis 972 4 1,082
April 6, 2010 Hobbe’s Law of Nature 473 2 1,431
April 6, 2010 Think the Mafia Is Gone? Then Think Again 1,050 5 921
April 6, 2010 The School of Athens 639 3 1,153
April 5, 2010 Horror Movies 754 4 1,623

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