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The Good one Essays and Term Papers


440 Essays on The Good one. Documents 201 - 225

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Last update: January 5, 2015
  • Project Management: It Is Good for Business

    Project Management: It Is Good for Business

    Project Management: It is good for business In today's business it is in the best interest of companies to have project managers. Common sense isn't always usually accomplished. For anyone who's ever worked on a project in a technical setting knows this. Indeed, much of working with others consists of solving unexpected problems and learning from mistakes along the way. Knowing this and having the proper tools a project manager will be able to manage

    Essay Length: 2,243 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: January 24, 2010 By: Jessica
  • Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.

    Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.

    Death has been one of the most common topics for poetry throughout literary history. Dylan Thomas, an early twentieth century poet, also tackled this difficult idea with his poem, “Do not go gentle into that good night.” By utilizing contrast and comparisions, this villanelle serves as an exploration and attempted explanation both for the reader and Thomas. “Do not go gentle into that good night” is arranged in the villanelle format; consisting of nineteen lines

    Essay Length: 968 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 24, 2010 By: Mike
  • A Good Man Is Hard to Find - Flannery O'Connor

    A Good Man Is Hard to Find - Flannery O'Connor

    A Good Man Is Hard to Find - Flannery O’Connor A woman who views herself as God and a man who views himself as Jesus Christ. This man didn’t go as far as to say he’s bigger than Jesus as a legendary Beatle once did; he however stated the following “Jesus thown everything off balance. It was the same case with Him as with me…” As the above briefly demonstrates, O’Connor’s “A good man is

    Essay Length: 711 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 25, 2010 By: July
  • War -- What Is It Good For?

    War -- What Is It Good For?

    Is war really ever justified? All different kinds of people, in all different corners of the world have different opinions on this controversial issue. Many people think that war is never justified, many think that war is always justified, and there are some people who think that it completely depends on the situation of the battle. This situation is not a new one, it has not become easier to understand over time, and will never

    Essay Length: 709 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 25, 2010 By: Bred
  • Compare/contrast: "a Good Man Is Hard to Find" with "hills like White Elephants"

    Compare/contrast: "a Good Man Is Hard to Find" with "hills like White Elephants"

    Compare/Contrast: “Good Man” with “Hills” Currently, a plethora of outstanding stories have been written. What makes a story, though? The answer is the elements that the author includes into his or her writing, such as symbolism and imagery. “Hills like White Elephants,” written by Ernest Hemingway, and “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” written by Flannery O’Connor, are just two examples of admirable work. Each writer incorporated plenty of elements to improve the

    Essay Length: 982 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 25, 2010 By: Jon
  • Why Is Knowledge "good?"

    Why Is Knowledge "good?"

    Many people believe knowledge is neutral. Its goodness or badness is determined by the way it is used. The "neutral" view of knowledge, however, does not emphasize the important fact that the more we know the more likely we are to act and do good. In other words, knowledge can be used for both good and evil; however, if we employ the tools of statistics or probability we will easily show that knowledge is overwhelmingly

    Essay Length: 676 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 26, 2010 By: Bred
  • The Good and the Evil of the Internet

    The Good and the Evil of the Internet

    The onset of computers on the general population has given a boost to the Economy in the world's market. People who weren't much aware of the world became drawn to computers, which in turn brought about the Internet, connecting the world all over. The Internet has played a major role in the lives of people all over the world. Now, it is not limited to just important organizations or governments. Everyone who owns a computer

    Essay Length: 782 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 26, 2010 By: Andrew
  • A Small Good Thing’s Character Development: Tragedy or Anger Driven?

    A Small Good Thing’s Character Development: Tragedy or Anger Driven?

    “A Small Good Thing’s” Character Development: Tragedy or Anger Driven? Raymond Carver’s story “A Small Good Thing” is a story of the struggles a family undergoes when their only son, Scotty, is fatally injured in a car accident. Carver’s characters go through many emotional changes as a result of this terrible ordeal. Each stage of the story causes them to change emotionally in some way, and these changes eventually lead to entirely different people in

    Essay Length: 1,752 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: January 26, 2010 By: Tommy
  • Where Have All the Good ones Gone?

    Where Have All the Good ones Gone?

    Honesty. Respect. Integrity. Motivation. Dedication. Patriotism. The preceding words represent qualities many of today’s American students lack. Many US citizens question the reason behind this decline of morality within the educational system. Parents blame the teachers; teachers claim the students are unable to be taught and parents aren’t attempting to assist teachers in their quest to disperse their knowledge. As for the students, they just don’t care. Who exactly is to blame? Students? Teachers?

    Essay Length: 435 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 27, 2010 By: July
  • Marketing and White Goods Industry

    Marketing and White Goods Industry

    Marketing Assignment One Discuss how the Macro-environment can affect an organisations marketing approach. Use examples of companies who produce white goods to illustrate your points. The Macro-environment, factors outside of a firms control, have a major affect on a firms marketing approach and as a cause, these factors outside the firms control are harder to monitor, some of the factors are unpredictable and restricting. To over come this firm sets its marketing approach, also known

    Essay Length: 1,798 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: January 27, 2010 By: Jessica
  • Ma’s Inherent Goodness

    Ma’s Inherent Goodness

    Man's Inherent Goodness By Sarah Is man inherently evil? It is one of those controversial questions that cause the great thinkers of our world to engage in hot-tempered disputes and quarrels. The side that is often favored by the religious-minded and the optimists, the view that man is inherently good, is the stance that I will be defending in this narrative. After all, is not man the creature that laughs at himself? Although there are

    Essay Length: 981 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 27, 2010 By: Wendy
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Western films are the major defining genre of the American film industry, a eulogy to the early days of the expansive American frontier. They are one of the oldest, most enduring and flexible genres and one of the most characteristically American genres in their mythic origins - they focus on the West - in North America. Western films have also been called the horse opera, the oater (quickly-made,

    Essay Length: 1,767 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: January 27, 2010 By: Mikki
  • Human Nature: Good or Evil?

    Human Nature: Good or Evil?

    Human Nature: Good or Evil? Many things can be said about the gallons of blood, miles of entrails and seemingly endless array of bones, muscles and other fascinating odds and ends that we call our human bodies. For instance, as you break down the body into different categories each part can be examined endlessly. Such can be said about a very intricate part of the body. This is the most important part and without it

    Essay Length: 931 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 27, 2010 By: Jon
  • Decriminalize Marijuana for the Good of America

    Decriminalize Marijuana for the Good of America

    Mrs.Nelson Kevin Larios period 3 Decriminalize Marijuana for the Good of America Currently, drugs remain high on the lists of concerns of Americans and are considered one of the major problems facing our country today. We see stories on the news about people being killed on the street every day over drugs. To many people drugs are only an inner-city problem, but in reality they affect all of us - users and non-users. I believe

    Essay Length: 2,471 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: January 27, 2010 By: Vika
  • Good Versus Evil

    Good Versus Evil

    In the chapter titled Rebellion (or his book title), Feodor Dostoevski’s character, Ivan Karamazov, demonstrates that his angry and resentful attitude is the by-product of his very choosing. The fundamental principal of our own humanity is God’s acknowledgment of our expression of free will. Found between the boundaries of man’s ownership of worldly acts and thoughts, which can lead him to an eternity of joy or damnation, is that critical choice of what attitude

    Essay Length: 2,403 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: January 28, 2010 By: Bred
  • Era of Good Feelings

    Era of Good Feelings

    A great surge in national pride characterized the period from 1812 to 1824 known as the “Era of Good Feelings”. In the years before the war of 1812, social and economic differences between the North and the South led to sectionalism. The South was an agrarian society while the North developed an industrial society. The surge in national pride developed for many reasons. Military pride resulted from the defeat of the British at the Battle

    Essay Length: 636 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 29, 2010 By: Janna
  • Good Parenting

    Good Parenting

    Good Parent What defines a Good Parent? By definition it is someone who gives birth to offspring. However, there is so much more. Parenting consists of many elements such as Love, Attention, Support, Guidance, and Discipline. Love is the most important and most powerful emotion; consisting of both heart and mind. Emotion is a state being, often accompanied by physical reaction. A deep affection for a child must exist. Affection is part of the love.

    Essay Length: 439 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 29, 2010 By: July
  • Goods and Services Tax- Australia

    Goods and Services Tax- Australia

    Goods and Services Tax- Australia To uphold a country’s political and economical stability, governments often implement policies. There are many different types of policies that a government would implement to stabilize their country. However, one significant policy that almost every country uses is tax. In particular, Australia and Canada use a value added tax known as the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Australia’s GST policy was introduced by the Howard government and went into effect

    Essay Length: 2,145 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: January 30, 2010 By: Jessica
  • The Euro Is a Good Thing?

    The Euro Is a Good Thing?

    “European Economic and Monetary Union is a good thing for those involved because the advantages are guaranteed while the dangers might never become a reality.” Explain and discuss this statement. In order to explain and discuss the above statement, firstly it is essential to define and briefly explain what European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is. Secondly it is also essential to examine the advantages of membership alongside the disadvantages, finally there is a need

    Essay Length: 2,233 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: January 30, 2010 By: Max
  • Proving Good: Imossible

    Proving Good: Imossible

    Proving God: Impossible For hundreds of years people believed that the world was flat. While now-a-days this seems ridiculous at the time it made a lot of sense. Everything we encounter in day to day life makes the world seem flat. It would be counterintuitive to believe that the earth is round. There were plenty of theories at the time to prove the world's flatness. As we all know now, these proofs were simply wrong.

    Essay Length: 702 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 30, 2010 By: Janna
  • A Reflection on “a Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’connor

    A Reflection on “a Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’connor

    On my first reading of this story, I initially felt the fear frequently seen in grandmothers in confronting danger and how they try to convince us to stay away from it: “The Misfit is a loose from the Federal Pen and headed toward Florida and you read here what it says he did to this people….”, the grandmother said. As I have experienced in the past, once a Mom and Dad have made a decision

    Essay Length: 380 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 31, 2010 By: Fonta
  • The Good Earth

    The Good Earth

    In The Good Earth, Pearl Buck describes the lifestyle and customs of the Chinese through the character of Wang Lung. She also shows the rise of a simple peasant to the enviable position of a wealthy landowner. At the beginning of the novel, Wang Lung, a poor farmer, is ready to marry O-Lan, a slave who is purchased from the great house of Hwang. She is a sturdy, silent woman who has immense resourcefulness.

    Essay Length: 639 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 1, 2010 By: Jack
  • An Analysis of the Charater the Grandmother in "a Good Man Is Hard to Find"

    An Analysis of the Charater the Grandmother in "a Good Man Is Hard to Find"

    In the story A Good Man Is Hard to Find the grandmother considers herself to be a lady as well as a good person. The grandmother does not think it’s a good idea for the family to go to Florida with a criminal, the Misfit, on the loose and says that she “’couldn’t answer to [her] conscience if [she] did’” (O’Connor 454). On the trip the grandmother is dressed in a blue dress and a

    Essay Length: 648 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 1, 2010 By: Fonta
  • Good to Great

    Good to Great

    Ramya FT/05/RAM Book Review of Good to Great The Challenge Jim Collins’ previous book, Built to Last, was a defining management study of the nineties. It showed how great companies triumph over time and how long-term sustained performance can be engineered into the DNA of an enterprise from the very beginning. What about the company that is not born with great DNA? How can good companies, mediocre companies, even bad companies achieve enduring greatness?

    Essay Length: 595 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 2, 2010 By: Wendy
  • It’s Been a Good Existence

    It’s Been a Good Existence

    "I've decided that two years from today, I will reorganize my personal priorities," Gates said during a news conference, adding,"I have one of the best jobs in the world." "I believe with great wealth comes great responsibility - the responsibility to give back to society and make sure those resources are given back in the best possible way, to those in need," he said. Gates added, "It's not a retirement, it's a reordering of my

    Essay Length: 282 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 4, 2010 By: Mike

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